Lent, Holy Week & Easter

LENT 2025

5 March Ash Wednesday with imposition of ash

11:00am Low mass, All Saints Church

6:00pm Low mass, St Mary & St Giles Church

9, 16, 23 March 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sundays in Lent

9:30am Parish Eucharist, St Mary & St Giles Church

11:15am Parish Eucharist, All Saints Church

25 March The Annunciation of the Lord – Tuesday

6:00pm Said Mass, St Mary & St Giles Church

30 March Laetare ‘Mothering’ 4th Sunday in Lent

9:30am Parish Eucharist, St Mary & St Giles Church

11:15am Parish Eucharist, All Saints Church

6 April 5th Sunday in Lent

9:30am Parish Eucharist, St Mary & St Giles Church

11:15am Parish Eucharist, All Saints Church

6, 13, 20, 27 March, 3 April Thursdays in Lent

10:30am Said Mass followed by coffee, All Saints Church

8, 15, 22, 29 March, 5, 12 April Saturdays in Lent

12 noon—1:30pm Lent Lunch in the Parish Hall



13 April Palm/Passion Sunday

9:30am Parish Eucharist with Gospel of the Palms, procession into church and reading of the Passion,
St Mary & St Giles Church

11:15am Parish Eucharist, All Saints Church

14, 15, 16 April Monday to Wednesday in Holy week

Monday Parish Retreat on the subject of ‘Rest’ begins

8.15am Office of Readings and Morning Prayer,
12.00noon Angelus and Midday Prayer,
5:00pm Confessions, 6:00pm Evening Prayer,
6:30pm Retreat Address, 7:00pm Stations of the Cross,
7:30pm Low Mass, St Mary & St Giles Church

Wednesday evening Parish Retreat ends

17 April Maundy Thursday

8:15am Office of Readings and Morning Prayer,
10:30am Stations of the Cross at All Saints followed by Coffee. 11:00am-12:00noon Confessions at All Saints,
12:00noon Angelus and Midday Prayer at All Saints,
5:30pm-6:30pm Confessions at St Mary & St Giles Church, 19.30 Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Watch until Midnight, St Mary & St Giles Church

18 April Good Friday

8:15am Office of Readings and Morning Prayer,
11.00am Midday Prayer, 12.00 noon Celebration of the Passion of the Lord,
2:00pm-4:30pm Open rehearsal followed by 5:00pm performance of Stainer’s Crucifixion,
St Mary & St Giles Church. No Evening Prayer.

19 April Holy Saturday

8:00pm Easter Vigil in the Holy Night, St Mary & St Giles Church

20 April Easter Day

9:30am Parish Eucharist, St Mary & St Giles Church

11:15am Parish Eucharist, All Saints Church