Ministry with children
Children and Young People are a very important part of our church and we value the contribution they make to our common life. We have a duty to bring up our children in the Christian Faith and encourage them to worship.
As a parish we encourage all the adults present to show our children how to behave appropriately during worship, by their own example and prayerful devotion. Children will, from time to time, make a noise, and with help and encouragement they can learn to participate fully in the worship of the church.
We have a number of groups and activities which are designed for the children, including:
• Young Christians
• The Church Band and Hand Bell ringing
• The Nativity or Epiphany Play
We have close ties with our church school St Mary & St Giles Church of England School which serves both Calverton and Stony Stratford (North) and Fullers Slade and Galley Hill (South). The school holds termly services in St Mary & St Giles Church, and individual year groups visit the churches for some classes.
The Parish takes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously and all its volunteers are vetted by the Disclosure and Barring Service.