
Worship times

In this Church of England Parish, we believe the Mass, or Eucharist, to be the Family Service of the Church and therefore welcome people of all ages. We aim to celebrate the Liturgy of the Church reverently and with noble simplicity. Everyone is welcomed at the altar at the distribution of Holy Communion – those who have not been prepared to receive Holy Communion or have not been Confirmed keep their heads bowed to indicate that they are not receiving the Blessed Sacrament, and the priest blesses them.

Please check the weekly Sunday Mass Sheet, outdoor noticeboards and the events page on the website for up to date times and venues of worship, as these may change on a weekly basis, depending on availability of a priest. Usual times are as follows:

9:30 am Parish Mass – at St Mary & St Giles
A Mass at which the whole family can celebrate with ‘Young Christians’ having their own ‘Liturgy of the Word’ in the adjoining Parish Hall during the first part of the Mass, and then re-joining everyone else at the Offertory. The Parish Mass is followed by tea, coffee and squash.

11:15am Family Mass – at All Saints
A Mass for all ages, but which might suit families who cannot make 9:30am. The Mass lasts about 40 minutes and is followed by tea, coffee and squash.


10:30am Mass – at All Saints
Followed by ‘Elevenses’

Lent, Holy Week and Easter

Advent and Christmas

Biblical illustration