
Lent 2012

The Stony Stratford Christ is veiled in purple as we began Lent today with Ash Wednesday.

The Lenten Weekly Schedule is as follows:

  • Sunday 9:30 am Parish Mass (other Masses as announced)
  • Monday 9:00 am Mass
  • Wednesday 9:30 am Mass
  • Thursday 7:15 pm Stations of the Cross & Mass, 8:00 pm Lenten Study Group: “He’s not a tame lion”
  • Friday 12:00 noon Angelus & Litany, 12:15 pm Mass
  • Saturday: 12:00 noon Lent Lunch in St Mary & St Giles

Everyone is encouraged to read The Apostles Creed every day, and cards with the Creed are available in both churches.

Thursday’s Masses:  (from Fr Ross) This year throughout Lent I am going to try something slightly different thanks to a tip by Fr Gary at Hanslope & Castlethorpe.  He pointed out that any Celebration of the Stations of the Cross has within it everything that is contained in the ‘Introductory Rites’ and ‘The Liturgy of the Word’ of the Mass and that therefore a celebration of the Stations of the Cross could then be followed by the Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts and the Mass continue as usual.

Lent Boxes for our Appeal (The Antony Nolan Trust) are available as are the Lenten Devotional Booklets on the theme of peace.  Lists have been posted for the Lent Lunches to be held on Saturday’s at St Mary & St Giles in aid of our Lenten Appeal.  There are also lists posted for the Footwashing and the Watch on Holy Thursday.

The Lent Course based on the works of CS Lewis and using two films “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” and “Shadowlands” will begin on Thursday 1st March.  The church library at SMSG will feature a selection of CS Lewis’ works.

Lenten Sacrifice – Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the traditional ‘three strands’ practised each Lent.  Some might find the suggestion below a helpful way of implementing those ‘three strands’.  Please note, these are suggestions, not commandments:

  • Abstinence – no meat can be taken by those 14 and older on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays
  • Fasting – a limit of one full meatless meal by those 18-59 on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
  • Self-Denial – voluntary acts of self-denial are recommended on weekdays during Lent
  • Prayer and Charity – can include daily Mass, Scripture study, Stations of the Cross, almsgiving and showing mercy and kindness to others