Churchwardens, PCC and Deanery Synod Members Elected April 2022 thumbnail

Churchwardens, PCC and Deanery Synod Members Elected April 2022

At the Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meetings in April 2022, the following were elected to serve as Churchwardens, PCC and Deanery Synod members:

Peter Eales (SMSG)
Deb Kidd (SMSG)
Jill Barby (All Saints)
Richard Hearne (All Saints)

PCC Members
Rhian Parsons (SMSG)
Graham Brown (SMSG)
Dick Martin (SMSG)
Susi Whitehouse (SMSG)
John Hickman (All Saints)
Anna Page (All Saints)

Deanery Synod Members
Bob Scarff
Mike Parsons
Anne de Brois

In addition, at the PCC meeting following the APCM:
Bob Scarff was elected as Treasurer and Vice-Chairman
Susi Whitehouse was elected as PCC Secretary
and Gwen Yates was co-opted to the PCC as one of the Parish Safeguarding Officers

Father Ross’s retirement thumbnail

Father Ross’s retirement

Although Father Ross’s actual retirement date is not yet fixed, it has been agreed with the Bishop of Buckingham and the Standing Committee of the Parochial Church Council that his final Sunday services in the parish will be held on the following dates:

All Saints 11:15am on Sunday 6th February 2022 with a Farewell Reception immediately following

St Mary & St Giles on Sunday 13th February 2022

09:30 Parish Mass

16:00 Evensong & Benediction with a Farewell Reception afterwards.